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HLD-1400 Catalog: Architectural membranes

PVC Knife Coated Membrane.
Suitable for frame supported and Air ifflated Architecture.
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Article number: HLD-1400

Tape of CoatingPVC//
Base FabricUltra-low shrinkage PES industrial yarn/DIN EN 60001
Titer of Yarn
2000D*2000D (P2/2)/
DIN ISO 2060
Total weight1400g/m²DIN EN ISO 2286-2
Thickness1.05mmDIN EN ISO 2286-2
Tensile Strength8500/8000N/5cmDIN EN ISO 1421 DIN 53354
Tear Strength1000/900NDIN 53363
Adhesion Strength120N/5cmDIN 53357
Transmittance8~10%DIN EN I 63364
Flame RetardanctyB1/GB 8624-2012 / DIN 4102
Width & LengthStandard width: 3 meters, standard roll length: 100 meters, can be customized
RemarksColor, surface and flame retardancty can be customized

* Colours, textures and technical data are given as a reference only and can be modified.

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If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact with our team.

+86 573 87762777

Warp Knitting Scientific-technical Industrial Zone of Haining Zhejiang, China

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